Why You Should Use Thai Basil in Southeast Asian Cooking

Thai basil, an exceptional culinary delight hailing from Southeast Asia, is gaining popularity in kitchens around the globe due to its distinctive flavor and aroma. It brings unique characteristics to dishes, adding an extra edge that’s simply irreplaceable. If you haven’t incorporated Thai basil in your cooking regime yet, here’s why you should do so without any further delay.

What is Thai Basil?

Unlike common sweet basil, Thai basil exhibits a unique spiciness with hints of anise and licorice. It belongs to the mint family and is widely used in Southeast Asian cuisines, particularly Thai cooking. Its flavorful leaves are a rich green or purple color, accompanied by purple stems and flowers, enhancing the overall appeal of any dish it graces.

Why Should You Use Thai Basil in Cooking?

Thai basil earns its stellar reputation not only from its alluring look and taste but also from its numerous health benefits. The medicinal properties of Thai basil include:

– Improved digestion
– Enhanced memory
– Stress relief
– Strengthened immune system

How to Use Thai Basil in Your Dishes

Now that we’ve established the many benefits of Thai basil, here’s a simple yet tantalizing Thai basil stir-fry chicken recipe to provide you with a practical taste of using this herb in your meals.


– 2 chicken breasts, thinly sliced
– 1 bunch of Thai basil
– 3 cloves of garlic, minced
– 2 Thai chilies, finely chopped
– 2 tablespoons of fish sauce
– 1 tablespoon of oyster sauce
– 1 teaspoon of sugar
– 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil


  1. Heat the oil in a pan over medium heat. Add the minced garlic and chopped chilies and stir until a delicious aroma fills your kitchen.
  2. Add the sliced chicken breasts. Stir until they are nicely browned.
  3. Add the fish sauce, oyster sauce, and sugar, mixing them thoroughly with the chicken. Allow it to simmer for a few minutes to ensure the chicken absorbs the flavors.
  4. Add the Thai basil and stir briefly until it wilts.
  5. Serve your Thai basil stir-fry chicken with steamed rice for a fulfilling meal.

So next time you’re in the kitchen and eager to transport your gastronomic experience to Southeast Asia, remember to reach for Thai basil. The added dimension of flavor it brings to your cooking is guaranteed to keep your palate excited and longing for more.