Nutritional Yeast (Nooch) Explained – A Vegan Essential

Nutritional yeast, popularly known as nooch, is a delectable ingredient revered not only for its flavor, but also for its myriad of health benefits. Nooch is an inactive yeast made from sugarcane and beet molasses grown specifically to be a food product. There’s one hindrance though – it is often under-appreciated or misunderstood because many are oblivious of what it is or how to utilize it in their diets. Today, we’re demystifying this functional food and shedding light on why it should be your pantry’s pride, especially if you’re vegan or health-conscious.

What is Nutritional Yeast (Nooch)?

Nutritional yeast is a type of yeast named Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Nooch has a flaky or powdery form and a cheesy, nutty flavor, making it a favorite for many vegans who miss a cheese-like flavor in food. While it’s made from the same species of yeast used to brew beer or bake bread, nutritional yeast is different, undergoing a pasteurization process that renders it nutritionally beneficial and inactive.

Nutritional Benefits of Nooch

Equally important to its flavor are its nutritional benefits. A serving of nutritional yeast (about 2 tablespoons) typically contains:

  • 50-60 calories
  • 4-8 grams of protein
  • 3-5 grams of fiber
  • 0-3 grams of fat

Furthermore, it’s often fortified with various vitamins and minerals like:

  • Vitamin B12
  • Vitamin B6
  • Folate
  • Niacin
  • Thiamine
  • Riboflavin

Because of its robust nutritional profile, nooch is a popular supplement among vegetarians and vegans.

How to Use Nutritional Yeast

Adding nutritional yeast to your food is easy and can bring that extra punch of taste and nutrition. Here are a few basic ways to incorporate nooch into your meals:

  1. As a popcorn topping: Sprinkle nooch onto your popcorn for a cheesy twist.
  2. To make dairy-free cheese sauce: Nooch can be used to make vegan cheese sauce for pasta or vegetables.
  3. In tofu scramble: Substitute nooch for cheese in a classic tofu scramble.
  4. In salad dressings: Nooch can give your soups and salads a delightful umami zest.
One Final Word

Whether you’re a vegan looking for a dairy-free cheese substitute or a health enthusiast looking for a nutrient-dense food additive, nutritional yeast or nooch is a fantastic option. Experiment and find creative ways to incorporate this superfood into your diet for its unique flavor and health benefits. Remember, moderation is key – a little goes a long way in both flavor and nutrition benefits.