Natto Recipe – Exploring Japanese Fermented Soybeans

Exploring the Unique and Nutrient-Rich World of Natto

If you’re a lover of niche food or food rich in health boosting properties, then this post is definitely for you! Sit back and journey with us as we explore the culinary world of Natto – a traditional Japanese dish made from fermented soybeans. Known for its strong flavor and slimy texture, this Superfood is loved by the Japanese and valued for its numerous health benefits.

Health Benefits of Natto

Dieticians and health enthusiasts constantly rave about the health benefits delivered by Natto. This is due to its rich composition of vital nutrients including; Vitamin K, high-quality protein, dietary fiber, and probiotics. Here’s what consuming Natto could mean for your health:

Vitamin K: Has blood clotting properties and aids in bone health.
Protein: Being soy-based, Natto is a prime source of plant-based protein, great for vegetarians or anyone looking to switch up their protein sources.
Dietary Fiber: Helps improve digestion, control blood sugar levels, and reduce cholesterol levels.
Probiotics: The Bacillus subtilis bacteria used in fermenting the beans promotes good gut health.

How to Prepare Natto at Home

Embrace your culinary skills by preparing Natto at home! It’s fairly easy to make and requires simple ingredients.

Ingredients for homemade natto:
  • 2 cups of soybeans
  • Water
  • 1 teaspoon of Natto-kin spores (can be ordered online or bought in an Asian supermarket)
  • 2 tablespoons of boiled water (to dissolve the spores)

Follow these easy steps to make your Natto:

  1. Wash and soak the soybeans in water for about 12 hours or until doubled in size.
  2. Drain and boil the beans for about 6 hours or until soft.
  3. Soak the Natto-kin spores in the boiled water. This activates its potency.
  4. Mix the boiled beans with the spore-water mixture.
  5. Transfer the mixture to a sterilized container. There should be room for the mixture to expand during fermentation.
  6. Keep the mixture at a steady temperature of about 104°F (40°C) for 24 hours.
  7. Let it cool and refrigerate it for another 24 hours to stop the fermentation process.

With your homemade Natto ready, it’s time to dig in and enjoy!

Ways to Enjoy Natto

Natto, thanks to its unique flavor and texture, can be enjoyed in a variety of ways:

Natto Rice Bowl: A popular breakfast in Japan. Simply mix your Natto with cooked rice, add some soy sauce and mustard for extra flavor.
Natto Miso Soup: Add Natto into miso soup for a warm, satisfying dish.
Natto Sushi: Use Natto as a filling for your sushi rolls for a delicious twist.

Eating Natto may require some getting used to. However, understanding its nutritional benefits and learning how to prepare it at home could change your perspective. Enjoy exploring this new addition to your culinary world!